Weybourne Bookshop

The M&GN Joint Railway Society runs the well established Weybourne Bookshop. The shop can be found in the main station building on Platform 2 at Weybourne Station.
The shop stocks a large selection of new and good quality second-hand railway books, relating to the M & G N, and the local and wider areas. There is also a variety of non-railway books, including fiction. Other items stocked are M & G N Society branded clothing, products displaying images of the Society’s locomotives, DVD’s (new and second-hand), posters, prints, photographs, and an excellent selection of second-hand magazines.
The book shop relies on donations of books, magazines and any model railway items.
What's more, you can be sure to know your money is going to worthwhile projects as profits go into the Society's general fund. Profits from donated items go to the bookshop's nominated appeal, which is currently supporting the Joint Heritage Coach Fund (JHCF). Previous years has seen the shop support the B12 Boiler Appeal, our WD class locomotive and the restoration of Wissington.
The aim of the bookshop is to be open every day the NNR is operating trains, including bank holidays and special events such as steam and diesel galas. This is dependent upon volunteers being available. You can call the bookshop on 01263 589833 after 9:30am to confirm the shop is open.
For all bookshop enquiries, please email: shop@mandgn.org