Volunteering Opportunities

Volunteering, be it with a role with the Society and the NNR can be great fun, highly sociable, very rewarding and a great way to get work experience and learn new skills in your own time. You decide how much time you put in - be it one hour a month or one day a week.
Help run our charity!
The M&GN Joint Railway Society is run entirely by volunteers. Volunteers can be found running our bookshop in Weybourne Station, helping with locomotive, carriage and wagon restoration or undertaking administrative duties within the Society for our varied disciplines, such as managing locomotive overhauls, balancing the books, fundraising, producing Joint Line (our Society magazine) or maintaining this website.
There are always opportunities within the M&GN Joint Railway Society to help us run our charity. We are always welcome to helping hands especially in the following areas:
Weybourne Bookshop
The bookshop helps to raise much needed funds to assist with the overhaul and maintenance of our locomotives, carriages and wagons. Joining the bookshop sales team is a valuable and very sociable way to support the Society.
William Marriott Museum
Our museum has over 30,000 items in its collection, a changing selection of which are displayed in our purpose built museum at Holt. Museum stewards help present and interpret our collection for the benefit of visitors to the museum.
Restoration and Maintenance of Locomotives
Weybourne works is the engineering HQ of the Society and NNR. Here we undertake all sorts of work on our locomotives, drawing on skills such as fabrication, machining and fitting on steam and diesel locomotives - training is available for volunteers though and new faces are always welcome.
Cleaning Gangs
We run monthly cleaning gangs to give our locomotives a well earned deep clean. Typically cleaning days run on Saturdays, with additional cleaning days in the run up to special events and galas. They are a great way to meet new faces without the pressure and responsibilities of preparing and steaming up an engine. If you're young and keen to get involved, this is a great way to meet some of the younger volunteers on the NNR.
Restoration and Maintenance of Carriages & Wagons
We have a very large collection of unique items of rolling stock. Drawing on in skills in carpentry, fabrication, painting, signwriting and upholstering we have a rolling program to restore many of our unique carriages and wagons and maintain them in working order.
If you would like to support the Society from home, then administrative and accounting skills are always welcome. With over 3000 members, there is always a lot to do!
Social Media Assistants - Another job that can be undertaken from home. We're on the lookout for people who have an understanding in the use of Social Media such as Facebook and Twitter to assist in the regular updating of our pages on these websites. Skills in the use of Photoshop or similar photo-editing programs, an eye for design and formatting, succinct use of words and a general knowledge of all Society (and NNR) areas would be important skills for this role.
Enquiries for all of the above positions can be sent via email to:
Help Run a Railway
As the supporting charity of the North Norfolk Railway, the M&GN Joint Railway Society assists the NNR in recruiting volunteers to help run the North Norfolk Railway.
Volunteers on the North Norfolk Railway work for the NNR plc, the operating company of the North Norfolk Railway. As the operating company, the NNR plc provides full training for all staff for the duties they wish to undertake, such as volunteer Drivers, Firemen, Cleaners, Guards, Ticket Inspectors, Signalmen or Station Staff.
You do not need to be a member of the M&GN Joint Railway Society to volunteer on the Railway, however it is encouraged and most volunteers are members and by being a member you can proudly say that you fully support the Railway and Society.
The NNR also runs the Junior Club for younger enthusiasts between the ages of 10 - 15. Anyone below the age of 16 (or students below 22) can also join the Society on a reduced rate of £10 a year.
You can find out more information about volunteering on the NNR website.
The NNR runs very welcoming induction days and give you an insight to all roles that can be undertaken within the Railway. Come and join us all today!