The Diesel Club

The Society Diesel Club works closely with, and supports, the Weybourne Traction Group (WTG) which is run entirely by NNR and Society volunteers and publishes up to date news on NNR Diesel Operations via Facebook and Twitter. The WTG supports diesel operations, running days and events on the North Norfolk Railway.
The membership of the club is formed entirely by enthusiasts who all support the continued preservation and operation of all forms of diesel traction on the North Norfolk Railway. The club raises funds to support the investment in and maintenance and overhaul of Diesel locomotives and multiple units on the North Norfolk Railway.
Membership is obtained for as little as £5 a month.
Diesel traction forms an essential part of the North Norfolk Railway operating calendar, with the daily service from April to October and many other services are reliant on diesel traction to provide the thousands of trains the NNR runs throughout the year. Funds raised by the club will go towards helping to improve our fleet by investing in better maintenance regimes (to increase reliability and availability), conducting thorough and long-lasting heavy overhauls (to increase the standard of the fleet) and by undertaking projects to restore and improve heritage aspects of diesel traction to restore them to their former glory.
The fleet supported includes all diesel traction (including diesel locomotives and diesel multiple units) permanently based on the North Norfolk Railway, from time to time. ‘Permanently based’ diesel traction is defined as diesel traction owned by the NNR or the Society and other long term resident diesel traction owning groups or private individuals supportive of the NNR and Society.
If you enjoy great days out on the NNR behind our diesel traction, be it at special events such as our Diesel Gala or on standard service days, joining the Diesel Club is the best way to support our activities and will enable us to keep our traction in traffic and in tip-top condition for you to enjoy.
If you would like to join the club, please download an application form, print it off and post to: M&GN Joint Railway Society, Sheringham Station, Sheringham, Norfolk, NR26 8RA
Alternatively, you can email your details to and set up your Bankers Order online making it payable as per the details set out on the application form. Please consider making a Charity Gift Aid Declaration.
The club is administered by the M&GN Joint Railway Society. There is no fixed membership term; membership to the club is renewed on a monthly basis through the payment of a monthly banker's order. Preferred monthly contributions are of £5 per month or more.
Contributions from members go into a restricted ‘diesel fund’, which is managed by the Society. From this fund, diesel traction owners can apply for grant funding for maintenance, restoration and overhaul tasks, providing that they meet the charitable objectives of the Society. Applications for grant funding are to be put to the NNR Engineering Committee for consideration, with their recommendations being presented to the Society's Board of Trustees.

Brush Type 2 D5631
Our Class 31 locomotive, which was delivered new to Norwich Shed (32a) in 1960. Additional Images by permission of WTG & Chris Moxon.

Class 08 D3935
Our Class 08 locomotive, was built at Horwich in 1960-61 and first allocated North of the border to Kittybrewster

Class 101 Met Cam
'Met Cam' units feature large in East Anglia's rail history during the second half of the 20th Century, first in the form of the visually similar "Met Cam lightweights" [until 1969] and then the Class 101s.

Class 104 DMU Railcar
M56182, during its first test run on the NNR as part of its major ongoing restoration.
Photograph and information provided by Chris Moxon

Class 11 12131
12131 was built in 1952 at Darlington works. It was an Eastern Region machine, being based around March, Ely and Cambridge before transferring into the hands of the National Coal Board where it worked at the Snowdon Colliery in Kent. Additional Images by permission of WTG & Chris Moxon.

Class 37 D6732
D6732 was built in 1962 in the Vulcan works at Newton-le-Willows. It was originally based at Hull Dairycoates depot and ended service with British Rail at Tinsley where it was purchased by the Anglia Type Three Association. Additional Images by permission of WTG & Chris Moxon.