Membership Fee Changes for 2015
The M&GN Joint Railway Society has announced that from 1st January 2015, membership fees will be marginally increased.
The Society has resisted increasing fees for several years, with the current rate held since 2010, but with significant cost increases in recent times, the Trustees of the Society now feel it appropriate that fees should more closely reflect the costs incurred to run the Society whilst also bringing our membership fees in line with many of the other premier heritage Railways of Britain.
Membership Fees are a core tenant of our income, which helps us undertake all of the massive and varied projects in support of the North Norfolk Railway, from loco overhauls, Carriage and Wagon restorations and offering grant funding for NNR civil engineering projects, right through to funding our activities in the William Marriott Museum at Holt, along with covering the cost of printing and distributing Joint Line. From 2015, annual adult membership will be £22, seniors £20, joint adult £33, joint senior £30, family £43 and junior £10. The full schedule of current membership fees is available on the 'Join' section of this website.