Our Volunteers

Listed below is a list of the volunteers whose contribution is invaluable to us. They are listed alphabetically and in no order of preference at all.
Adam Wood
Anne Hadley
Barbara Moxon
Barbara Moxon
Benjamin Boggis
Bev Smith
Brian Ashby
Brian Stephenson
Carol Kisis
Catherine Roffey
Chris Moxon
Clive Hughes
Coral Gillipspie
David B Wright
Chas Hudson
Chris Doward
Craig Flowerday
David Dwyer
David Miller
David Palmer
Geoff Hiscock
Harry Hammond
Howard Firth
Ian Redhead
Jackie Bedell
James Quinlan
John Blake
John Collier
John Randell
Judy Speed
Keith Bonson
Keith Horobin
Leigh Caudwell
Martin Symes
Matt Peacock
Michelle Davidson
Keith Bonson
Mick Phillips
Mike Hadley
Owen Bushell
Nick Wallace
Paul Ballard
Paul Moxon
Peter Bedell
Peter Leney
Peter Williams
Phil Owers
Paul Goldsmith
Paul Heinrich
Philip Moore
Richard Laxen
Rob Dunkerley
Ross McKenzie
Steve Deeks
Steve Squires
Stuart Clarke
Sue Roberts
Tony Smith
Trevor Smith
Will Day
Dave Roberts
Ann Nix
Elaine Patman-Wallis
As well as everyone we have forgotten.
And to everyone we have forgotten please get in touch.